Michael Knight
3D 360 Technologies was formaly known as Orbital 360 company and has been on the market for years with no success - Watch your around this guy - HE STEALS

Health & Medicine

MICHAEL KNIGHT - The Thief - {BEWARE} Michael Knights Short List Categories of Thievery: Mike has used my company's name in the media to advance his company, use my philosophical language that describes my company's advanced training methods in his marketing, copied my certification program, and attempted to pursue several of my company's established relationships in order to pursue (Michael Knight's) own agenda. Michael Knight Knows How to Steal Mike had the Orbital 360 and Wringo product on the market for years now with no success, which demonstrates business leadership incompetence. He may not be very smart when it comes to business deals. I image that his ego, greed, incompentance, and unprofessional behavior turns people off.in his recent business moves, Mike has copied and emulated my company's certification program business model and my training philosophies, which emphasizes 3D training. Mike has stolen my 3D training concepts and is attempting to incorporate these unique training approaches into his business structure. His unethical practices does not stop there, he has submitted press releases aligning {3D 360 Technology that is formally known as Orbital 360) with my company's proprietary technology of (3D Fitness).in one press release, Michael Knight suggested that 3D 360 Technologies would influence a well-known, multi-million dollar corporation with my companys technology even though this high-profile company was writing an endorsement on the behalf of my company. Of course, these media acts were done without a legal contract in place. The reasoning behind Michael's absurd claims in a press release featuring my company creative methods for the first and only 3D training system was that Mike was afraid that my company would make his technology obsolete. Of course, he is right.in the beginning stages of my relationship with Mike, he had represented himself to have my personal best interest as well as the best interest of my company. His fake genuine demeanor has proven to be a con. It is now obvious that people have put their money, their time, and their trust in Michael Knight over the years without financial compensation or reciprocal personal gain.in my humble opinion, the reason why people engage with Michael Knight in the beginning is that he and his engineer are extremely creative when it comes to product design and development. Mike has the "mouth piece" and the "gift of gab, " which he uses this skill to tell people what they want to hear. Without integrity, which is the relationship with your word, nothing works. Mike's concept of integrity is the relationship with himself. Using people, manipulating, lying, misleading people with misinformation, unsound business ethics, and professionally misrepresenting himself is the reflection of his company's lack of progress after all these years. Although his business partner, Dr. Lipman, seems to be competent and professional. I strongly believe without Dr. Lipman on board, the future of the 3D 360 Technologies / Orbital 360 product line will be short-lived. Watch out! - Michael Knight goes by Wayne Whitis on another Facebook page. My company is only a start-up fitness business that has a great deal of upside and potential when my fitness technology equipment and programs hits the market this summer. I have endured many insulting remarks and direct adversarial statements with voice message after voice message by Michael Knightcfor simply not calling him back. When he does not have "control, he becomes agitated and unstable to the point of no self control, as evidence of random cussing-screaming-and whining like a six year old child.inside Mike's circle, I have heard that he has sold less than seventy units of the Orbital 360 in seven years. The brainwashed money from Jean, his ex girlfriend, which is 100's and 100's and 100's of thousands of dollars has help Michael Knight or Wayne Whitis of Facebook (same person) live well all these years. Currently the 3D 360 Technologies team has no operation capital, as evidence of Mike asking me for money during a face-to-face meeting in Beverly Hills. I have shared many ideas with Mike out of goodfaith and like an open book in terms of sharing my training ideas and business model structures. He has learned a great deal from me throughout our conversations and applied this specific knowledge to his new business with his business old name. The first evidence of Mike stealing my taining concepts is when he changed his name from Orbital 360 to 3D 360 Technologies. This name is a reflection of my company's 3D training system technology. Before this brilliant move on Mike' part, which he thought about all by himself, he wanted to be known as the rotational fitness guy. Now, he is using my company's lingo and 3D training terminology on his updated website.in addition to stealing my company's training model content, he has attempted to market my company's name with an unfettered partnership. Since Mike operates with his own agenda in mind and for personal gain, he has forgotten that he has signed a legal non-disclosure and non-compete agreement with my company. I have let him know that I will follow-up with legal ramifications if he or his company implements any of my proprietary intellectual property in anyway. I am sure that the arrogance of Michael Knight thinking he has created mycompany's technology will make good conversations for my lawyers. I have also asked Mike to remove any affiliation material of my company and quite assuming my company's identity and follow the original path of his brokendown Orbital 360, which at the end of its run would only sell one or two machines a year. Originally, I have agreed to enter into a business relationship with Mike based on smart business practices and a practical business structure. My company was going write the certification model for the Orbital 360 and market the certified programs under my company's umbrella. According to Mike's last message to me, he has indicated that he is going forward with my certification business model concept without me, again for his own personal gain. I am confused to the creditability that he offers since I have the original authors of the NSCA-CSCS Certification exam committee on my team - (NSCA is the elite certification for training athletes). I have asked that Mike has no further contact with me. I have emailed and Courtesy copied all of Mike's associations in the attempt to warn them of his unethical business practices.in Mike's last voice message to me, he has told me: BLEP BLEP BLEP BLEP BLEP BLEP BLEP etc... And that he was "going to make sure that my company is drug down, he has loaded his guns up now and I started a f_king war that I am not going to win - he said I was a gutless mother-f_ker, and refered me to wait until he gets done with "my company's name" there will not be a f_king "my company" and he will make sure of that cause I started something that I cannot finish " BLEP BLEP BLEP BLEP etc You get the picture - At the end of the voice message, Mike was trying not to cry behind his threats. Who says a serial con artist is not sensitive? Remember - this was all because I did not return any of his phone calls and sent warning emails to Mike's associates after I found the evidence that Mike is a con artist and thief. Concerning his ex-girlfriend Jean, my heart goes out to her. Mike has taken advantage of her finances and life savings probably up to a half a million or so. This puts Mike at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to taking advantage of people. I am extremely confused to the occurrences between Jean and Mike. For example, when Jean had called me, Mike is in the same room in the background listening. This behavior is almost cult-like where Mike has a mind-control influence over Jean. Nonetheless, I like Jean personally and she has some business skill professional attributes. It just seems like she is under Michael Knight's "spell" that acivates robotic, brainwashed behavior in Jean. I believe that Jean allows Mike to manipulate her the way he wants. It is possible that if Mike tells Jean to run across the state lines, backwards, in negative degree weather, and that she needs to make it in three days - she would perform this task without question. Mike has some serious skills to get what he wants in regard to his ex-girlfriend Jean. *WATCH OUT for Michael Knight luring personality, charming spirit, and witty conversations. He is a con artist that has con his former business partner, me, one other person on this website that I know of to date. Protect your company's trade secrets and RUN the other way if you are involved with Michael Knight - AKA Wayne Whitis on Facebook. Best, I Am Watching You {Mike}

Company: Michael Knight
Country: USA
State: California
City: Malibu
Phone: 3109759123
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Michael Knight
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