Dietary Supplement CupuacuVital
Charged Money to my account without my approval

Health & Medicine

I ordered a Trial Sample of Cupuacu Dietary Supplement for $1.50 on 2/17/10 which was advertised on the AOL site. My account was charged $1.50 but I did not receive the Trial Sample. My account was charged $79.95 on March 8 for a bottle of 60 caplets of which I did not order. I called my bank, they suggested I cancel any subscription, immediately, or they will send another supply and charge me again for $79.95. They said companies do this all the time. I cancelled immediately thru their website on 4/3/10. I called, today, 4/5/10, their customer service dept and explained my situation and requested a refund of $79.95. They refused, telling me the trial period is over. Like that has anything to do with anything. I'm probably out the money but don't want this to happen to anyone else. I will never order trial samples on-line, again.

Company: Dietary Supplement CupuacuVital
Country: USA
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