Koszinski Group Inc

Health & Medicine

A useless brochure costing $29, which one cannot return as there is no address, and they are not listed in telephone directories.

Company: Koszinski Group Inc
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Brooklyn
Address: Brooklyn, New York
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Koszinski Group
Address of Koszinski Group ripoff

The Koszinski Group, Inc
The koszinski group inc ripoff

The Koszinski Group, Inc
The Koszinski Group Inc screwed others too consumer fraud ripoff

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Koszinski Group

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Koszinski group - Delphi Press beware of this ripoff

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Supplements sent money got nothing

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The Koszinski Group Inc ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

The Koszinski Group
Very Misleading advertisement & very little info provided for $29

The Koszinski Group
Ripoff NYC