Scott Alan Salomon of The Florida Litagation Center
Of Coral Springs, Florida, Innocent Victim

Health & Medicine

Vivian *, victim of the disbarred Scott Alan Salomon of The Florida Litagation Center of Coral Springs, Florida is finally realizing U.S. Justice is being served. Supreme Court Ruling found Scott Alan Salomon guilty in defrauding clients, leaving clients without legal representation. January Scott Alan Salomon will be sentenced.

Company: Scott Alan Salomon of The Florida Litagation Center
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Wellington
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Scott Alan Salomon - Florida Litigation Center
Florida Litagation Flesh Eating Lawyer is now eating prison patties

Scott Alan Salomon-Florida Litigation Center-Attorney-Out-Law
Scott Alan Salomon-Florida Litigation Center Attorney-Out-Law!

Scott Alan Salomon - Florida Litigation Center
Scott Salomon, Esq Fraudulent Flesh Eating Florida Lawyer Still Practicing Law

Scott Salomon
Florida Litagation Cente

Scott Alan Salomon
Bar#947740 This guy steals from people, even ex-wives

Scott Alan Salomon
Fact or Fiction, the let truth be known

Scott Alan Salomon
Scot Salomon took our money and did nothing. What are we supposed to do?

Scott Allan Salomon
Attorney-Out-Law! Florida Litigation Cente

Scott Alan Salomon
Money Hungry, Lying, Fat, Sorry Excuse for an Attorney

Kelly Dowd, Florida Litigation Center Case Manager # 3
Florida Litigation Center Flesh Eating Lawyer, Scott Salomon & Parasitic Para Legal CM