Unauthorized debit charge

Health & Medicine

I'm Being cost to get a free trial offer. Iwas just designed to pay shipping. Today my other expenses are jumping. I'd like my money-back your item has been doing nothing for me personally within the wekk that i"ve had to get a test.

Company: AgeInvisible
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Brownfield
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AgeInvisible Age Cream
Big ripoff and product does not work ageinvisible internet

Precision Niche Products/AgeInvisible
Credit card fraud, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Dovet, Delaware

AgeInvisible by Precision Niche Products ordered 2-4 called 2-5 to stop order was told i cant and i had 2 weeks from 2-5 to return received 2-12 charged me 9.41 so 8.41 to ship 1 0z bottle of product they are trying to charge me 69 dollars

AgeInvisible Precision Niche Products
Deceptive marketing practices, risk-free trial is really an expensive scam

AgeInvisible by Precision Niche Products Deceptive Business practices and Unauthorized charges to Bank Accounts

Precision Niche Products/AgeInvisible Did not tell me they were going to with draw my money out off my bank in 10 days. They say I cannot return product back for refound. I AM I broke out on face am allergy to the product. The cream is on

Ripped Off

Age invisible
Taking money

Age Invisible, Precision Niche Products, Allergen Inc
Age Invisible Misleading, illegal? Immoral? Advertisement, offered risk-free trial offer just $4.98 ended up costing, to date $81.62