FWM Labs - Reserva Bottle - Many Other Names
FWM Labs - Fraud! Trial of Reservatol for shipping costs only. Not true

Health & Medicine

I was called and offered a trial of resveratol for $3.95 shipping costs. I asked if this was subscription and told NO. I reiterated that I do not want auto orders. I was assured there would be none. Credit card used for shipping cost.
Did some checking and found many complaints on line and on RIP OFF. Tried to phone last week and got busy signals and could not go through. I tried other numbers I found on-line and through this website. Today, I called credit card and they had a pending of 87.13. Tried to get through again and and decided to stay on line and keep trying no matter how long it took. Finally reached the 866-949-0138 and held for a loooong time. Got somebody, finally, who said he would cancel the my card & subscription but would have to pay the 87.13 for the trial. I said that is not what I was told. Man said he would cancel my card/subscription and I shouldn't be charged. Let's hope so; however, the reliability of this company is questionable, to say the least. I called my credit card company who is quite aware of this company as they stated that they have had many incidents such as mine with that company or the same company with other names.
Bottom Line... Nothing is for Free... Do not give credit card info out as easily and as foolishly as I did. Wish I knew how to warn everybody.
The ripoff website is a great help... I found it by chance. More people need to know about it. Thanks

Company: FWM Labs - Reserva Bottle - Many Other Names
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hollywood
Phone: 8669490138
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