Resveratrol Ultra
Deceptive practices, free trial scam

Health & Medicine

Like many people who have commented on, I too was directed to the website for this produce given the mistaken impression that THIS was the product endorsed by Oprah and Dr. Oz. When I noticed the charge for $87.13 less than a week after I received the product, I called the number indicated above and was told that the website stated the trial period is 15 days.

Fifteen days to evaluate a thirty day supply of the product and no willingness on the part of the company to let me return the product and remove the expensive incurred against my will! AND, there is no verbage about the trial period lasting only 15 days and certainly not 15 days from the time the order is placed.

This is a rip off in every sense of the word. After going on to the Oprah website, I saw numerous comments of a similar nature. I am also going to file a complaint with the better business bureau. There must be protection afforded consumers!

This company renews the mandate: "Let the buyer beware." They are CROOKS!

Chicago, Illinois

Company: Resveratrol Ultra
Country: USA
State: California
City: Hollywood
Phone: 8669926556
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Resveratrol Ultra
Ripped off by "Free Trial" of Resveratrol Ultra

Hoodia X600 Plus
I ordered product via TV ad because Oprah Winfrie endorsed product. Company does not keep its word and robs your account by shipping before end of trial period. Glendale California

Resveratrol Ultra

AcaiBerry Detox
Website stated FREE TRIAL just had to pay shipping and handling. They lied & stole my money!

Vibrant Smile
CELEBRITY SMILE, 14 day "trial period" is a scam

Deceptive offer of free 14 day trial period for the cost of shipping. 14 day trial period not the same as 14 days from when product delivered. No website link on original order where terms adn conditi Internet

Teeth Whitening Product

GNS Inc, Global Nutrition, Slim Seduction, Slim Body Coach
GNS Deceptive Advertising and Ripping off their Custimoers

Pure Nutrients
Free trial starts when you order not when you get the product!

RESVERATROL ULTRA SWM Laboratory - 15 day trial scam