Acaiberry Clear Or Acaiburn
Sneaky, Hidden Transactions

Health & Medicine

I placed an order for a 14 day trial of AcaiBurn (no membership, no other pruchases required or authorized) - $4.99 shipping and handling only, which showed up on my credit card statement. AND a second charge for $4.99 also showed up for some 'E-Book' I never ordered. When I called Customer Support, they advised me that I had implicitly agreed to the transaction in the 'fine print' hidden on page x. Utter BS. So I cancelled my 'memberships' - and then they charged me $59.95 for the 'product' I kept and didn't ship back! Again, in the fine print, it says you have to ship it back or they will charge you!

I have never seen such sneaky, hiden tactics as this ever in any on-line or paper-based merchant.

DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! They are not above board, open, or explanitory regarding what they are doing and what you will be charged. You will get one surprise after another.

Company: Acaiberry Clear Or Acaiburn
Country: USA
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