Matt Lauer, Accai Burn
Invitation to Extreme Makeover is Just Ad for AccaiBurn! What a Rip Off of Her Time!

Health & Medicine

It comes in your e-mail!

Wanted: Overweight Women for Extreme Makeover
Monday, April 20 3:28 PM
"Matt Lauer - NBC News"
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So one of my cousins got this in the e-mail and she felt insulted "because someone called her an overweight woman and she wanted to know if it was me...

And then she got excited because she thought that she was being invited to be a contestant on the extreme makeover show and i felt bad because i had to tell her that this acai burn is one of the most widely reported categories on the rip off report.

Then she got even madder but appreciated that they hadn't conned her to buy the product making her think that she would be going on the extreme makeover show if she used this product.

Does it work? Do i even care? We ochos like our food too much to look like a concentration camp victim.

The front page makes it look like this product has been ENDORSED by CNN, ABC, CBS News and NBC.

I am not sure i believe anything the "establishment news media" has to say to me anyway...

And the ad goes on for hundreds of words:

"WARNING... Quick-Loss AcaiBurn Is Fast Weight Loss That Works. It Was Not Created For Those People Who Only Want To Lose A Few Measly Pounds. AcaiBurn was created to help you achieve the incredible body you have always wanted... Use with caution!

"dr. Nicholas Perricone rated the acai berry as the #1 superfood in the world on the popular daytime talk show. Not only is acai exploding with flavor, it's also a rich source of antioxidants. Studies have shown it is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world.

Who is this guy? An anti-aging specialist, or so his website claims. Nothing about being a endocrinologist there and that is who i would want working on me if i had a metabolism issue. Plastic surgeons are good but lipo can't fight genetic heritage.
Do dr. Perricone or matt know that their names and images are being used in this commercial? Another name dropped was rachel ray. If a chef doesn't at least look slightly plump, i have to wonder about their ability in the kitchen.

"Why AcaiBurn?

"Acai? What is it?
Found in the lush rainforests of Brazil, acai berries grow on the tops of the Amazon palm tree. The deep purple pigment conceals the amazing antioxidant power that has made it so highly sought after."

"Quick-Loss AcaiBurn - Fast Weight Loss That Works is a breakthrough new formula that combines the scientific research of the West with the amazing antioxidant power of the Acai Berry.

"The average weight loss was 14.99 and 12.54 pounds with key ingredients (Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium polyniconate and Gymnema sylvestre extract) in AcaiBurn vs. Just 3.06 and 3.53 pounds with a placebo in two 8-week clinical studies. Both groups dieted and exercised. That means the key ingredients in AcaiBurn were found to help cause up to 450% MORE WEIGHT LOSS than dieting and exercising alone will get you."

Has anybody stopped to see if this is healthy for diabetics and cardiac patients??? Where are contraindications noted? Hello, what sort of research was this?

"AcaiBurn also includes Acai Berry, which has been used for years throughout the Brazilian rain forests as a premium natural energy supplement which is known to boost energy."

Coca leaves from which cocaine is derived is also a natural energy supplement but i don"t want to fail a drug test or die of a heart attack from ingesting something i know so little about and most of those pharmaceuticals are tested on young white males. Which leaves me out and wondering...

Here's the main pitch to vanity.
If i had been able to duplicate the graphics from that e-mail ad to here, you would see a photo of a really young, svelte model and this is the caption beneath her photo.

"I Love my new body!

I feel so energized but the best part is, I know I look great!"

I wonder how you will look if something goes wrong with you ingesting this stuff.

"I start my day right; with AcaiBurn.
Your trial bottle contains a 1 month supply of the amazing acai berries in pill form. Try AcaiBurn and see what everyone is talking about. All you pay is the small cost of shipping."

Notice it does not say for how long or how much you will pay for this magic shipping...

Rip off report readers can tell you — which is why i was able to assert with confidence to my cousin that something beside weight loss was going on here —the sounds of dollars fluttering out of your wallet with every swipe of your credit card...

"With Quick-Loss AcaiBurn - Fast Weight Loss That Works, you will discover why this tiny purple power berry has been making headlines across the nation."

If these people don't stop with their alleged credit card abuse, they will make even more headlines

They try to entice you into entering "one of our trials". Most likely, you will qualify for one.

And the largest word in the ad is "free"!

AND THERE IS AN ASTERISK and in very small print —"just pay for shipping."

And pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay and pay

According to the complaints about this product I have read, you CONTINUE to pay!

Company: Matt Lauer, Accai Burn
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: 3600 Army Post Road
Phone: 8006593588
  <     >  


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