My Acai Offer, Purity 12
My Acai Offer, Purity 12 took money out of my account with out authorziation Online

Health & Medicine

I just want to try the trial offer but now there charging my boyfriend debit card. This a rip off

fort worth, Texas

Company: My Acai Offer, Purity 12
Country: USA
Address: acai online
Phone: 8669641011
  <     >  


Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. Acai Berry, Purity, Removaline, Pacific Medical Cosmetics, Rezv, nutrib
Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. Acai Berry, Purity, Removaline, Pacific Medical Cosmetics, Rezv, nutrib Free Trial offer was all I authorized, and then additional shipments began arriving charged to my visa, Utah

Panalabs, MBM&F Purity, DRI
Charge for free product

Purity Mineral Science
Purity - DriLiftSP They both offered a trial then billed me before the trial expired

Purity Products
Purity Products Online Orders are Designed to Confuse Extra Products are Added Inadvertantly

Purity Mineral Science
Purity Rip-Off!

Acai Berry
Money taken from c/card

Purity Mineral Makeup,
Purity Miineral Science Makeup Advertises a $1 trial and the hits you for $100 plus on your card

Bromalite - Acai Products
Ex Customer service rep for several of Acai companies and Bromalite/purity

Acai Berry Pure - Net Nutrients - CRH Price Savers
Try Acai Berry Pure Scammed by "Trial Offer" of Try Acai Berry Pure to the tune of $149.95 and I get nothing in return Houston

Purity Products
Purity Products Shipped Me Products I Didn't Order - I Returned And Never Was Refunded