Lose Weght Systems
This company may be stealing credit card accounts

Health & Medicine

I just got some "weight loss" pills that I did not order. Earlier this month, my credit card company called me to issue me a new card because of suspected "unauthorized access" and a potential security breach of my credit card information. I'm wondering if these two are connected? Maybe this company is ripping off credit card numbers and using them to bill their product to. I'm 6'2", 175bls... I sure as hell didn't order any weight loss pills!

Company: Lose Weght Systems
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Mesquite
Address: 1155 W. Pioneer Blvd
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Caralluma extreme
Unauthorized diet pills and charge

My Fitness
My Fitness... Scary Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Lose Weight Systems - Adipose RX - Caralluma Extreme
Its a scam. Beware. I received a pakage sent from the company above with a bottle of weight loss pills and no receipt enclosed. I Never Ordered the Pills, and being charged on credit card for charges never made

Lose Weight Systems
I just received an unsolicited bottle of weight loss pills

Lose Weight Systems
Rip off weight loss company - I didn't order the products!

Accai weight loss pills
They charged my credit card even I have canceled the orde

Lose Weight Systems
Mailed me an unsilicited bottle of "weight loss pills"

Lose Weight Systems
Sending me weight loss diet pills I NEVER ordered

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Weight Loss Systems
Lose Weight Systems - Caralluma Extreme weight loss product sent unordered