Failed to ship product and failed to return multiple inquiries

Health & Medicine

I ordered a vitamin supplement using Google Order 6/26/08. Item was never shipped.

$41.85 $8 shipping was charged to my VISA account, total of 49.85

Online shipping status reads, Order received, Order placed, Not yet shipped

I made several email inquiries and demands for refund over several wks/mos and also contacted Google to report this company

Portland, Oregon

Company:, LLC
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
Address: 1401 Washington Terrace
  <     >  


Juliette Enterprises Inc. Doing business as
Charged for item never shipped - NO response to order status inquiries

Abebooks Charged my card but never shipped my books

CruxWorks, Inc
CruxWorks ripoff - Order sent money charged no part received, order found cancelled, no refund no email reply as promised M Internet

Conti Couture
Failed to ship/failed to provide tracking after charging credit card, failed to respond to email or voicemail Internet

Price Pros Amazon
Amazon Price Pros Failed to ship order, said order shipped, no refund, charged $120 for shipping

My visa account was charged but product never shipped. Won't respond to any inquiries, unable to reach by phone.internet

Haband Online
Ripoff Failed to Honor "Free Shipping" Offer then apologized, made promise of refund but did not follow through

Did not fulfill order. Kept money. Has not responded to email and phone inquiries. It has been one month since they claim it shipped. Package tracking link says no info

Bargain Price Wholesale
Ripoff lies no response from Vince Stead steals from customers

Doxy Lingerie
Ripoff have not received order or a tracking number Creve Coeu