DRI. REG.net, Regnetord. co
They charged it anyway! Internet

Health & Medicine

I found an unathorized charge on my account of $69.95. I ordered and received a trial bottle of weight loss product, valued at $2.95 shipping and handling. I was instructed to call after I get the trial bottle to cancel any other charges that may follow, if I didn't want any more of the product; and sure enough, they took all the money an unathorized $69.95 How can I dispute them and get my money back?

columbus, Mississippi

Company: DRI. REG.net, Regnetord. co
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: dri.reg.net
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First National Credit
They ripped me off

Acai Berry Breeze
Not happy / suppose to be free trial don't want product too many complaints of product

Marlboro / Philip Morris
Miles Rip OFF! Holland Michigan

Lipotech Research
Consumer Report

Ocwen Loan Servicing
Won't work with me to refi or lower my payments in any way - just keep on hammering that I owe this months payment

Dri. reg.net
Told me one thing and Did the Opposit

Simply Fit Pro
AcaiBerry Weight Loss a Big Ripoff

Forbearance issues ripoff

Consumer First
Consumer rip-off fraud. Thank You consumer complaints

Fry's Electronics
Ripoff on rebates false promises