Acai Berry Max
DOESN'T WORK and there's an online SCAMMER taking auto withdrawals from my account!

Health & Medicine

I hate to admit it but I too have been scammed by this fake company.

I received a junk email offer about Acai Berry Max on November 17. Aside from all the wonderful benefits the advertisement said you would gain from taking the product, the website stated you could try the product on a trial basis for $5.95, which covers shipping and handling. I figured I'd give it a one time shot.

I received the first shippment in early December. Tried the product, but saw no results. So I was done with it, so I thought! I received another shippment of this product, unexpected around mid- January. Checked my account and there was a withdrawal on 1/17/09 of $85.90 from Acai Berry Max.

I immediately started trying to find contact information on the company, but to no avail. Two days ago, 2/16/09, I had another withdrawal on my account from Acai Berry Max for another $85.90.

I went back and checked my email and found the original junk email message. That is where I saw their email address, Sent an email today explaining my situation and requesting a refund. I also checked for the website and found another company's name listed, not Acai Berry Max or Smart Reach Media.

This is totally frustrating and I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring the person or people being this scam to justice.

Company: Acai Berry Max
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 916 113th Street Suite B
Phone: 8176077300
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