Central Coast Neutraceuticals - Colopure
Rip off Central Coast Neutraceuticals internet

Health & Medicine

Ordered the 1 dollar trail got charged 38 plus 2 shipping charges. Canceled online got another 38 dollar charge plus shipping 2 weeks later. Called and canceled next month still another charge and new bottle. Send in email to cancel still get another charge and bottle. 4th try Rude lady cust service rep says they never got cancel req from me, says she will cancel then hangs up in my face.

Company: Central Coast Neutraceuticals - Colopure
Country: USA
Site: www.colopure.com
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Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. / ColoPure
ColoPure is a scam!

Central Coast Neutraceuticals
Ccn strikes again! Fraudulent charges, WHO are these people? I didn't order this!

Central Coast Neutraceuticals / Acapure

Central Coast Neutraceuticals
Quite a little scam going for a "Trial" Bottle

Central Coast Neutraceuticals - AcaiPure - Colotox - Fit-Fac
Com Scam

Colopure - Central Coast Nutraceuticals
Colopurecolopure - Central Coast Nutraceuticals charge without consent have 2 think 4 them

CCNutra - Acaipure - Central Coast Neutraceuticals
Unauthorized Debit From My Personal Account PhoenixCCNutra/Acaipure, Central Coast Neutraceuticals Acai Review - As seen on oprah -Scam

Central coast nutraceuticals, inc
Don't buy acaipure

CCNNUTRA -, Central Coast Nutraceuticals - Central Coast Nutra - Colopure
CCNNUTRA - Central Coast Nutraceuticals - Colopure - Central Coast NutraCCNNUTRA Charged for a trial of useless pills that they said didn't need to be returned when I canceled

Central Coast Neutraceuticals
Cancellation of order - Colotox, AcaiPure Lifestyle program