FX Supplements
Rip Off!

Health & Medicine

Rip off! Ordered the Acai Berry free trial on the internet, took over 90 days to get it - it DOESN'T WORK so tried to call and cancel - got a recording saying to call back during business hours even though I called at 1:00 P.M. Cst. Tried to call again - no answer. Have tried to call several times and get no answer. Bogus phone numbers and bogus product. Am working with my credit card company to handle the charges. Please don't get sucked into buying this crap.

Company: FX Supplements
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: 916 113th St Ste B
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Fx Supplements
Bogus email address and phone number - unauthorized charges on my credit card

Total Cleanse
FX Supplements, Like several others, I ordered the free 30-day trial from FX Supplements and Total Cleanse - no product but credit card charged! Boca Raton, FL

GIC - ACAI Berry Supreme
Keep Charging Account Phone Nos. Don't Work Can't Cancel Orde

MyColonRemedy, Lipaphen&Acai Berry, TCleanse
MyColonRemedy - Lipaphen - Acai Berry - TCleanse Can't contact company after many tries. Credit card charged for products not ordered

Acai Berry Maxx
Unauthorized charges

Acai Berry Supreme
Ripoff can't cancel Fraud

Extreme AcaiBerry
Unauthorized charges

Bromolite And Acai Slim - acaiberrydetox.com
Bromolite And Acai Slim What a scam acaiberrydetox.com

South Florida Nutrition, Acai Berry "Free Trial" fraud, support #'s non-functioning, unable to call and cancel "free trial"

Nudobi, Colon Cure, Acai Berry
Will not cancel your membership after you call and will continue to charge your credit card