Dr Tom G Mayer
Ignored and was abusive

Health & Medicine

Our aunt and mother was sent to Dr Mayer to evaluate injuries she recieved at work in 2005 and 2006. He was told she also sustained a concussion on May 12 in which caused Aphasia and she always has a patient advocate with her. He was also told that she uses the cane, walker or crutches due to falling from her left knee popping out and that when the shoulder moves something pops and she has no feeling in her legs. He was also told that on several occasions she has been almost like paralyzed from not being able to feel her body shoulders down. Dr Mayer ignored all this info told to him.

Dr Mayer refused to let her advocate in the room with her and failed to look at her left knee and right shoulder at the first visit and proceeded to write a report saying there was nothing wrong and his rehab program (which he owns this rehab and is a work comp rehab only from what we could tell) would help her.in the meantime my aunt went to a Dr on her health ins and was told that yes there is a problem and the knee needed surgery and that the right shoulder never recieved the proper care. Dr Mayer had his therapist do a eval but due to the noisey enviroment she was not able to function and was told they would reschedule the visit to where there would not be so much going on. Dr Mayer was also told this is a issue with her but in his report he writes she has phobias which if you know a person with a head injury you will know this is a common issue with them and being overstimulated is not good.

Dr Mayer and the Work Comp decided for the patient to go to Dr Mayers Rehab and she was put in a hotel room alone. She was not provided with a handicap room nor did she have any way to provide food for herself. As this was a large hotel and she had no clue on how to get to the lobby. The first morning she fell in the bathroom this was on Oct 29 and recieved another concussion in which as of today has increased her problems. This fall also created more issues with her shoulder and neck. The surgery for her left knee had to be cancelled but was done on Nov 14th

The patient went back to the pain management Dr and she told him the shoulder and neck were bad and asked who she needed to call as no one would call her back. He sent her back to Dr Mayer on Jan 6. The patient at this time had her Mother and Daughter with her for advocates and also had the report written by the speech therapist in which went into detail about her communication problems which does include getting confused and using incorrect words. Dr Mayer again refused to let them remain. He did not eval anything only grabbed her right arm with a lot of pressure and poked at it. She told him he was hurting her and was causing her to have the tingling and numbness because he was moving the shoulder toward the neck. Dr Mayer said he wasn't and added more pressure in which was not needed. He then proceeded to tell her nothing was wrong with her and she was hypersensitive to pain due to being a drug abuser (which is way not true as we have the proof of that) He did have her family come into the room when he was saying that part. Dr Mayer also told them he would call the police if they did not leave as the patient was requesting to see the pain Dr. After they left the patient was complaining of the pain in her shoulder and elbow along with the numbness that was increasing.

That evening upon changing clothes the patient noticed many red imprints where Dr Mayer had his grip and poking into her shoulder. We did make pictures of this. Naturally most of these red marks turned into bruises. There was no reason for the Dr to have a grip on her right elbow to leave bruising and there is a concern he hurt the ulnar nerve as her right hand has started to claw (she had surgery on this in 2007 and it was fixed).

This patient has been in PT and examined before and never had a mark on her. To this date she has not been evaluated for the injuries even after a fall in March in which the therapist reported it and to date has been ignored. We were told that this Dr Mayer was to eval her right shoulder, cervical area, lower back, right hip, left knee and right knee but did not. No X-ray, MRI or EMG has been done since. To be fair to Dr Mayer the metal in her shoulder would impede a proper reading of a MRI. But for the lower back and hip there was never a EMG done since the fall March there has been nothing done to see what is going on. The Private Dr is trying to get to the bottom of it but it is a work comp injury and Dr Mayer is getting rid of her for the system. There is no way you can make a honest diagnosis when you do not look or listen to the patient.incorrect he looked at her once to hurt her.

FYI all visits were recorded either by video off a cell phone and recorded by digital recorder. The patient was not aware of this the family did this due to Dr Mayer's actions and for her protection. He violated her rights and left physical damage to her.

Company: Dr Tom G Mayer
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 5701 Maple Avenue, Suite 100
Phone: 2143516600
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