Rude customer service, slow response, avoiding the claim is the #1 priority

Health & Medicine

My husband purchased an aflac accident family policy through work back in june of at first I wasn't happy about it but for ten bucks a week I figured we weren't wasting too much money. With the experience I am having with them I would cancel my policy even if it were free.

I was confined to the hospital for several days in november for a ruptured disk. When I returned home I called the aflac customer service # and spoke with a very nice gentlemen who told me my accident WAS covered and I needed to print out the necessary forms from their website and file a claim, so far everything went well.

I waited a few weeks for the hospital bills to arrive and faxed everything over on 11-30-08. I waited 4 days before I checked on the status of my claim. The website makes it very clear in at least 6 places that most claims are processed in 4 days.

There was nothing posted that my claim had been received so I called customer service again. I was told that the paperwork faxed on the 30'th wasn't processed yet because they weren't working on that day yet, they were working on 11-28, the was she said it was quite snotty and really inappropriate seeing she is talking to people who in most cases are quite ill and don't need an attitude.

Finally a few days later my claim status finally said "processing" and it hasn't changed since, its now 12-20. So much for 4 days.

My dr. Accidentally forgot to check of a box that says "was patient hospitalized", I had to refax the entire form, with the box checked off. And of course I had to wait the customary 8-12 days from the day I faxed it for them to actually scan it in and look at it. Not to mention that from the day I originally faxed the form in until I was notified it was missing a checkmark in a very important box was 2 weeks later.

I like to call twice a week now to make sure there is no other dotted I or crossed T missing, and to check on what date they are working on. On 12-19 they were finally working on everything faxed on 12-9. Thats what the rude customer service rep told me, after that she said updates were available online and I should check there instead of calling.

This is what your aflac premiums are paying for:

You will not get anything in 4 days and anyone who says otherwise is lying. They are consistantly processing all paperwork at least 7 days after it is faxed.

If you try to call customer service you will be on hold for a minimum of 30 minutes. After you explain what you want to a rep in the claims dept they will transfer you to another rep in the claims dept so you can start all over again.

After you are transferred 2 or 3 times you will be told they are still processing your claim. Or they will get to it in time because they haven't made it to that day yet.

If you tell the rep that aflac states most claims are processed in 4 days they will tell you that you are mistaken, there is no way that aflac made any such statement at any time including on the website. I told that rude lady to check it for herself, she put me on hold while she checked the website and told me I was a liar and she didn't see it anywhere.

I do not yet know the outcome of my claim, I hope to find out before the sun goes supernova in about 5 billion years.

Starting monday I'll call every day.:)

Company: Aflac
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Columbus
Address: 1932 Wynnton Road
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