Supreme Brands Llc
Supreme Brands LLC False Advertising Company Selling your credit card to other companies

Health & Medicine

This company lies about the free product you order from them, telling you that all you pay is shipping. I have tried numerous times to call this company and cancell the product that I ordered but I gat no response... No one answers their phone system. I am having to cancel my credit card with my bank just to stop them from deducting 78.90 from my account every month. The people that own this company should be suesince they advertise falsely. Some of my co workers are in the same boat as I am with this company. I have reported them to my local Consumer Service Dept Of State and hope everyone else has done the same.

If Ca allows companies like this to obtain a business license then shame on Fl we have to have the Local and Federal Law Enforcement check out all internet service companies. Is Ca so gullible and forgiving or are they out to make a few bucks for the state instead of looking out for their citizens? A law suit should be filed agaonst this company and the great state of Ca needs to investigate them.

Company: Supreme Brands Llc
Country: USA
State: California
City: La Jolia
Address: 941Pearl St La Jolia, Ca 92037
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Supreme Brands LLC

Supreme Brands LLC
Supreme Brands, LLC Scam, dishonest

Vital Acai
Charging credit card without sufficent notice

Supreme Brands LLC
Charged goods to my VISA account without a valid order. I ordered only a trial product (vital acacia) and then

Supreme Brands
Supreme Brands was a rip-off to me to

Supreme Brands LLC
Supreme, Supreme Brands, Did not authorize them to charge my account and they won't allow me to return the unopened merchandise

Supreme Brands, LLC
Sent me Green Tea Pills which I never ordered $5.95. They stated that the charge will be on my credit card statement as Never ordered or did I supply anyone with a credit card number

Supreme Brands LLC
Vital acai scammed

Supreme Brands
Kept my debit card number from free trial offer and continued billing me at 16 times original rate

Supreme Brands
Unauthorized charges