Acai Berry Supreme Acai. ebizprogram
Unable to contact bogus phone# over charge my account under two different names not once $88. Then turn around and billed me again for $95. Which I never agreed to

Health & Medicine

This company is a rip off have three phone numbers none work 1877 300-3766 is a auto directory for used cars the other two useless over charge bank account by useing two different names and higher ammout and they dont stop. Buyer be were do not give youre acct #.

Company: Acai Berry Supreme Acai. ebizprogram
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 127NW13thstreet#4
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Ebizprogram - Acai Berry Supreme - ebizprogram - Acai Berry Supreme Acai Berry diet

Acai Berry
Sold me acai berry and did not send it to me! /?

WTEA ACAI - Intmark1-acai. Boca Raton, FL
WTEA ACAI -ACAI Berry Supreme-Intmark1-Ebizprogram Boca Raton, FL WTEA ACAI -intmark1-acai. Boca Raton, FL BEWARE SCAM!

Gic - Wtea Acai
Intmark1- Ebizprogram Acai Berry Supreme Scam

Intmark1-acai. - GIC
Intmark1-acai. Ebizprogram. Comintmark1-acai. - GIC Acai Supreme Rip Off

Acai Berry Supreme
100% RIP OFF Acai Berry Supreme Fake, Fraud, Make beleive Company

White Tea Acai Berry
Intmark1-acai. Ebizprogram. ComWhite Tea Acai Fraudulently Charged Debit Card

Acai Berry, Crush LLC, Ebizprogram, Total Cleanse
Ordered samples of Acai Berry Vitamens, unauthorized money taken from my bank account

Secure. ebizprogram
I ordered a free trial of Acai Berry Supreme however never received it

SFL Nutrition
Acai Berry Supreme / cleanse