Wu-Yi Source
Total ripoff wu-yi source.com hidden terms and aggrements

Health & Medicine

I was taken by Wu-Yi Source tea. My mother emailed me the website and said she had seen the tea on Oprah. I figured it must be legit. I went to the website and read all the fine print and decided to listen to the little voice saying TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!

I clicked the x to get rid of the page and a little sales thing said Special Offer $1.95 shipping. They got me. I immediately ordered my "FREE" trial. Only to receive another email from my mother saying I got some on EBAY. Dang it!

I received my tea and immediately sent it back to Wu-Yi. Only to be billed. I called and was told in 2 weeks I would be refunded. That was on the 5th of September.

On the 16th I was billed 29.90 from a wellness MD. I called Wu-Yi and was told that I had signed up for wellness MD when I bought the tea. HUH? Didn't see it in the fine print. I then had to call and cancel with Wellness MD. They were nice enough to refund my money after I talked to them for an hour. Filled out a 3 page cancellation package and faxed it to them. All for something I didn't even know I had!

Then today I open up my credit card statement to see no refund from Wu-Yi but instead to debits of 4.95 and 9.95. UGH! I called Wu-Yi and the woman proceeds to tell me that they didn't even have me down for a refund and that the two separate charges were from another company I signed up for when I bought the Tea! I will now have to call these companies individually and ask for my money back. ERRRRRRR!

Well so this is my first time being taken for a ride. I sure learned my lesson. If it's sounds too good to be true... GUESS WHAT? IT PROBABLY IS!

Don't not fall for Wu-Yi! I took the time to write this, to save other people their money! If you want to try the tea, Check EBAY. It may not be a free trial, but with Wu-Yi Source there is no such thing!!!

Company: Wu-Yi Source
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8644495567
Site: wu-yisource.com
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Advance Wellness Research Inc
SCAM, Trial ripoff, Free trial is a lie, will charge you $78.81 in 14 days

Wu-yi Tea - Wu-yi Source - The Insider Secret
When is a free trial not a free trial

GOOGLE Biz Kit / GOOGLE Riches
Read the FINE PRINT! $1.97 turned into $197.00, but it WAS in the tiny FINE PRINT!

Charged me 29.98,19.98,19.99,19.98 over two months and i have no clue who they are Internet nationwide

EZ Grant Source
Unauthorized charges

Natural Source Store - South Beach Smile Trial
South Beach Brite SCAM, SCAM, SCAM, Horrible Service, Unproffessional

EZ Grant Source
Charges you during the "free trial" period and then refuses to refund

Wu-Long Source/Wu-Yi Source
Wu-Long Source, Wu-Yi Source Do not expect to slim down or get a refund with Wu-long Source, Wu-yi Source rIPOFF

Max Diet, Offered free tiral and then billed credit card several times even though I immediately canceled!

Witnessing drug abuse by employees