Extreme Acai Berry
Charged for product without premission in the amount of $90.02

Health & Medicine

Being a senior citizen, I feel they are to clever in the way they conduct their business. I ordered a sample and paid for shipping, (that's how they got my payment information) and without my premission they sent another
bottle of JUNK and charged my card for the full amount $90.02. The product is of no value and very hard to swallow. I cancelled but they had no record of my call. Now really!!! I guess they outsmarted me on this
one but I hope no one else falls for their game. Be aware of EXTRENE ACAU BERRY - Their product is JUNK!!!

Company: Extreme Acai Berry
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 4650 SW 51ST ST, BAT 711
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Extreme Acai Berry - Acai Berry Power 500
Extreme Acai Berry Free Offer Will Cost You Big Time!

Pricelimbo, Extreme Acia Berry, Fit Factory
This company is a huge ripoff. Free sample yeah right. They sign you up for everything without your premission. Davie

Extreme Acai Berry
Acai Berry From Fullfillment - Shipped From Fullfillment Free Sample is a Scam

Total Cleanse - Extreme Acai Berry
Are a SCAM... If you want to keep them from stealing your money DON'T order samples of their products

Amir And Sanchez Nutracueticals
Natures Best Acai Berry There was a free trial offered for $4.99 that I ordered online. I never received the product and they charged my credit card $79.96 and also charged my card $29.95 for some other product without my premission

Acai Berry - Total Cleanse
Ripped off after Ordering Free Sample of Acai Berry Cleanse

Top 3 Acai / Acai Berry Power 500
Acai Berry Power 500/ top3acaiTop 3 Acai / Charged $29.95 for Acai Berry Power 500 never received product, can't get a refund. Las Vegas Nevada

Acai Berry
Unauthorized billing

Acai Berry
Unauthorized charges