PureAcaiBerries.com, Performance Health
How to cancel orem

Health & Medicine

Many people find it hard to cancel from this company. It was not hard for me. This is to help you.

If you go to PureAcaiBerries.com the links that you are looking for is on the bottom of the page. You can Unsubscribe, by clicking on Unsubscribe. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking on Unsubscribe Newsletter. You can also click on Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the page where it was agreed to send you the product. I would suggest anyone ordering a free sample to read the terms and conditions.

Also as I understand it, there is a 30 day return policy. There is also a Contact link to send your message to cancel at the bottom of the page.in terms and conditions there is even a telephone # to call.

Reduce your frustration and just use the links at the bottom of the page. As you can see they are not as bad as everyone is saying.

Company: PureAcaiBerries.com, Performance Health
Country: USA
Site: pureacaiberries.com
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Performance Health - Pureacaiberries.com
BEWARE the Hidden Contract!

Performance Health LLc
You cannot unsubscribe with this company. It is a ripoff

Rochelle Gordon
Ripoff, liar, schemes, scams you! Plays on your LIFE! I tried to unsubscribe by clicking bottom of her email and then got spamed, and a virus did she "see" that coming to me!

Sends spam faxes to companies and offers website to unsubscribe - the website is for IIS

Resveratrol Ultra
Ripped off by "Free Trial" of Resveratrol Ultra

Metareward.com violated own terms conditions agreement and caused spam. Ripoff! Internet

Google Profits
Google library fraud>thru terms and conditions!

Ripoff scam false deceptive advertising what a ruthless corrupt company!

Ourtime On Line Dating
Consumer Report

Celebrity Sexy Pout
Deceptive, not enough info before you order, no way to cancel! Denver Colorado, on Bank Statement