L.A. Fitness
Bad service

Health & Medicine

La. Fitness is having thefts that are taking place inside its own premises and is not informing its costumers what is going on. Management does not provide any assistance as to whom you need to contact, file a complaint or get help. You have to do your own research.

The thief waits for someone to get-in with a bag that contains valuables or looks for the right opportunity. Then waits for the right time to open your lock, if no valuable is found inside the locker or gym bag, then he obtains the car keys and goes to your car to search it. The thief steals whatever is in your car and takes off with your keys and all that is attached (car, etc).

The car, house, office, and others, have to be re-keyed. The car in itself could exceed $800.00 to be re-keyed if equipped with newly introduced electronic keys.

Company: L.A. Fitness
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Site: lafitness.com
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