Naturalcures Newsletter By Kevin Trudeau
When you accept something for free it's not! Monetary funds subtracted from your account without knowledge

Health & Medicine

Ladies and gentleman read your monthly bank statements. Boy, did I learn the hard way! Recently, my account was brought to my attention due to a charge of $9.95 since November 13. The way it happened could happen to anyone. Eight months ago I ordered Kevin Trudeau's books on natural cures. It was on an infomercial and when I called to place an order I was offered everything under the moon. I kept insisting I only wanted the books.

Finally... At the end I was asked to subscribe to Kevin's newsletter and I accepted reluctantly. I thought reading the monthly newsletter will further my education and benefit my well being. Perhaps help some friends with unknown ailments. I also took the offer because I was informed after the first month free trial I could cancel the newsletter.

After the first issue I decided I no longer was interested in the newsletter and I cancelled it. No problem, so I thought! Eight months later I found myself completely dumb founded and dreadfully wrong. Since the cancellation I am not able to contact anyone to rectify the dillema. Next course of action was to call my bank in which they had a number to contact. I have tried to call the given number on many occasions and the only successes are hang ups and holds for thirty minutes at a time and a live person to talk to is impossible. The only choice was to renotify my bank and close out my debit card. My only hope is I won't have to suffer any more repercussions. Please help me. Discouraged and Angry.

Company: Naturalcures Newsletter By Kevin Trudeau
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Kevin Trudeau
Newsletter Ripoff

Natural Cures, Inc
Natural Cures - Kevin Trudeau books never delivered, charged for unwanted newsletter Ripoff

Natural Cures - Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures - Kevin Trudeau
Natural Cures - Kevin Trudeau Newsletter RipOff - Never received but my checking account is debited monthly!

Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures
Natural Cures Newsletter - Kevin Trudeau - 30 day free newsletter is a scam

Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures Newsletter Fees
KEVIN TRUDEAU NATURAL CURES NEWSLETTER FEES illegal advertising for newsletter after purchasing "NATURAL CURES" paperback book

Kevin Trudeau-Natural Cures News Letter
Charged for newsletter never received

Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures And The Newsletter
Ripoff, beware! Items not recd and addl charges to credit card continue! Elk Grove Illinois

Natural Cures, - Kevin Trudeau
Ripoff Fraud By I cancelled my newsletter, but Natural Cures continues to charge my bank account each month

Natural Cures
Scam billing

Natural Cures Tm NEWSLETTER & Kevin Trudea
Ripoff of books, still has cc#, sending newsletters not ordered& charging me