SSC Rebill,
SSC Rebill, fraudulent and unauthorized charges to my bank acct. I never opened an acct with this company

Health & Medicine

I noticed several charges showing up on my bank acct from I had never heard of this website so i checked it out and on their home page was a section that said click here if you have charges on your bank acct that you dont recognize. I followed those instructions, also took a phone number from the website to follow up. Sent them several emails without any response. On 4-25-08 I made contact by phone with one of their representatives, who asked me to give her my Social Security Number. I asked her why and told her I wouldn't give it to her. She said so she needed it in order to pull up my acct. I asked her what account, I dont have an accout with your website. She took my name and said i opened an account 3-31-08 and i was initially billed membership fees and would be billed $14.95 monthly from now on. I persisted that I had not done so. I have no use for such an account and that i had never even heard of their website. I demanded a refund of all fees taken from bank account. She said i would have to cancel my membership. I insisted I had no membership, but wanted my money back so I told her to cancel it, she put me on hold, and we were disconnected. I never heard back from them again, they dont respond to any of my emails. This is ridiculous and I am furious. How on earth did someone else create an account with using my bank account information? After two months had gone by, my bank account continued to reflect a monthly charge of $14.95, however, SSC Rebill was now showing up on my monthly bank statement as the entity now stealing my money. I went to my bank explained the situation to the banks vice president, she had me fill out a stop draft form stating i did not authorize these transactions. We thought that would work, but once again on 7-16-08 there is another transaction for $14.95 going out to SSC Rebill. I'm a victim of internet fraud and I dont know what to do. I spoke to my bank again, they advised me to close my account and re-open a new one. This is where I stand today.

Im hoping that as soon as I take their advice that this will stop. Please help me by investigating and SSC Rebill. These websites are theives and and must be shut down and penalized to the fullest extent of the law

Company: SSC Rebill,
Country: USA
Phone: 8667817644
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