Kymaro Body Shaper
Total fraud

Health & Medicine

I ordered the body shaper neutral top and bottom and the alleged "free" black top and bottom. Not only was I charged for the "free" black top and bottom. I was also charged for the neutral bottom. When I returned all of the products, they gave me credit for the neutral top and said they "disgarded" the other products. I find that hard to believe when I returned all of them unopened and new. They told me they would return them to me, but I would have to pay for the shipping. I am going to report them to the attorney general in California and I think their practice is a violation of the law. What a rip off this company is and I will never buy anything from them again!

Company: Kymaro Body Shaper
Country: USA
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Kymaro Body Shaper
Kymaro does not refund purchase price if product is returned

Kymaro body Shaper
Kymaro - Tricky Liars - kymaro body shape

The kymaro body shaper they sent to me had cat urine and mold on it

Kymaro Body Shaper & Bottom Shaper
Don't waste your time or money!

Worst body shaper eve

Kymaro - Kymaro body shape

Kymaro Body Shaper
Where are the 'free' body shaper sets?

Kymaro Body Shaper
They totally ripped me off through false advertising

Kymaro Body Shaper
What a scam

Ubuyez Kymaro
Consumer Report