ColonSMART Cleanse, cleansed me of $89.00!

Health & Medicine

In trying to be a trustworthy consumer on-line, I submitted a request for a trial sample of ColonSMART. Little did I know that I was going to be cleansed of my hard earned money in order to hepl them continue to cleanse others the same way.
This has tought me a valuable lesson about "trial offers" and to be more cautious when shopping on line. I've heard about the horror stories of consumers just like myself being taken advantage of when trying to better oneself.
It is companies like ColonSMART who make it difficult for reputable companies to advertise on the internet.
I may have been a sucker this time, but if there is any way to help others to not get taken the way I did I'm on board.

Company: ColonSMART
Country: USA
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Unauthorized withdrawals

Modern Day Thieves-Make it impossible to cancel a regular order and then charge a huge price!

ColonSMART... Chargeing me for products I don't want and NEVER answer a phone, voicemail message, or an email!"simply cancel" YEAH RIGHT! Real "smart"! Pacific Coast California

I ordered trail product then cancelled before trail was over and they have debited my account twice for a total of 176.00

Theft by fraud

Colonsmart Cleanser
Colonsmart is very smart, they found a way to rip people off. I have canceled twice and even did a stop payment they skipped one month and got me the next. I'm going to change bank accounts to get rid of them Sun Valley California


ColonSMART Cleanser
Charged me twice $90 a month after cancelling free trial and disputing first charged with credit card

ColonSmart Cleanser
Charged bank account without permission

Free trial is a major scam