LA Fitness
A filthy hole

Health & Medicine

I joined LA Fitness 3 months ago. The first problem I had was with the personal training. My wife and I sat face to face with a trainer and discussed the terms of our contract. We told him that we could not afford another initiation fee and the price per session was to high. We sat face to face with the trainer, he gave us a 2 for 1 deal without any additional fees and a 30 min training session was never discussed as we signed the contract. It turns out 2 for 1 was the same as 1 for 1, instead of 1 hr for 1 person it turned out to be 30 min. For 2 persons. Some deal huh? I should read what I sign. We were charged the additional initiation fee and all other fees we said we did not want to pay. I didn't read the contract as I trusted the trainer who was sitting in front of me when I signed a contract which did not include anything we discussed. OK, they got me there, live and learn.

Unless you are familiar with small claims court, take your business elsewhere.

After 3 months I noticed that the showers and locker rooms were not being cleaned. I was in the gym locker room and noticed a rather large "pile" of talcum powder on the carpet. No big deal right? It was still there the next day when I returned! I was told that they cut back on maintainance! Are they serious??? The sauna is a filthy hole. It has NEVER been cleaned since I joined and is completely stained with sweat and the floor is a filthy mess with litter and garbage. They do not do daily cleaning in the locker rooms. Its a crap shoot wether the showers are clean. I have filed a complaint with the Cook County Board of Health.

This facility is in complete neglect. The exterior property is nothing but a weed infested mess. I joined in the winter and did not notice the neglect. Now that spring has hit I see 3' tall weeds and dead trees everywhere. I have reported this to the Tinley Park Commercial Building Dept. So that the "Property Maintainance" ordanance is enforced. Why should I have to do this? Why must I have to go to these extremes to get what I pay for??? You would think that the exterior would be kept up to get people to join. If I had seen a place engulfed in weeds I would have turned away before I ever went in.

This is the year 2008 and virus', bacteria and germs are rampant. There are major health issues ignored by the staff. Why should I have to worry about filth in the gym I belong to? It all looks good until you join and experience the neglect.

I pay good money to belong to this gym. I get less than what I pay for. I should not have to complain about these issues. I would go elsewhere if searching for a gym to belong to if health issues concern you. If a clean and safe environment is what you are looking for... Go elsewhere. The bottom line is I want to go to a gym and use all the facilities I pay for. I don't want to use the sauna and showers if I have to be paranoid of touching anything.

I must say in all fairness that my wife has finally found a trainer who will actually train her. (she was tossed around to different trainers who didn't care one way or the other about her goals and progress). Not all of the trainers are bad. They are not the big problem although getting proper training is difficult as you will read in others complaints filed on this site about this gym. I myself will not use their trainers, I still have a bad taste in my mouth over the scam contract I signed. Still, I bought the whole package and the whole package stinks. Do yourself a favor, go elsewhere.

Company: LA Fitness
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Tinley Park
Address: 18400 Convention Cntr. Dr
Phone: 8888890984
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