Frontier Pharmacy
Frontier Pharmacy somehow accessed my bank account and / or debit card

Health & Medicine

I don't know how they did it, but when I checked my credit union statement online about an hour ago (which I do every day just for this purpose), I saw a withdrawal of $20.95. I went back and found one last month as well. I didn't go any further back. It went through Fortunately an 800 number was listed. I called it and a very nice gentleman looked up my file and found it to be Frontier Pharmacy. I asked him how I could stop this from happening since I didn't ask for this and they've provided me with no service EVER!!! I don't even know who they are. I'm in Seattle. This gentleman said he could stop it right there and no more withdrawals will come out of my account. Next, I'm going to find out how to get back what they stole from me in the past, because literally, that's what they did. Robbery is a crime and Frontier Pharmacy needs to pay for their illegal acts. I want to be part of anything that can be done to bring this outfit down to their knees. If anyone else is getting this going through CP2 and doesn't have a number to reach them, here is that number. 866-733-0577. Good luck everyone. We need to band together and bring down these a*holes who won't work for a living and need to rob those of us who worked hard for what we have. I'm a VietNam vet, so I believe finding them and putting them out of their misery would be the best solution. Congress isn't doing anything to protect our rights, but they won't let us protect ourselves either except to take precautionary measures. That stops nothing. Lean on them. Play their game. That's the only way to beat them. Sorry this is so long, but I'm trying to make a point.

Thank you for listening.

Company: Frontier Pharmacy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Cooper City
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