Increase Media Secret Cure For Thyroid Ebook
Increase Media sham ebook, no new info., wouldn't let me approve my order - selling me unwanted extras

Health & Medicine

Do not deal with these ebooks "the cure for" or "the secret cure for" as they may be scams. I figured this when the charged me more than their receipt for the product they sent via email and it took many days to get a response from the company but they charged me within minutes.

Company: Increase Media Secret Cure For Thyroid Ebook
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Memphis
Address: 1710 N Shelby Oaks Dr Suite 4
  <     >  


Pat Harper, Perry Becher, Increase Media
Pat Harper, Perry Becher, Increase Media thyroid secrets "ebook" scam

Eyre Innovations Llc
EYRE INNOVATIONS Cure Mono ebook is a ripoff

Selmedica, Increase Media
"The Secret Cure" is a ripoff
Did not give any download link for the purchased ebook Claremont Washington 6009

Creative Edge Marketing
Colon Cure, Ordered free trial diet product, colon cure arrived same day in another package. No info given to return colon cure

Colon Cure
Colon cure rip off!

Colon Cure/nubodi
Colon Curecolon Cure / nubodi COLON CURE / NUBODI MAJOR FRAUD BEWARE PEOPLE! Lyers

Marie Goodwin
Consumer Report

Aloe Cure
Aloe Cure is overpriced you can get the same thing plain Aloe Juice for $1

NuBodi Charged $3.95 s/h, 14 days later charged $87.31 and no product rec'd yet. Rip-off!