Dormia Mattress
Beware of Dormia Mattress!

Health & Medicine

(Keep in mind that every time I call customer service, I have to wait at least ten minutes to talk to someone, sometimes longer.)

Received mattress and support box on 3/10/08 at 12pm.

Called customer service that afternoon around 1pm to complain about quality and size and that I wanted a refund and to return both items. Was told to call Christine, the woman who sold me the mattress. Called her number, left a message as she was out of the office for the day. Expressed my dissatisfaction and my desire for a full refund and wanted to arrange a pick-up for the products and would she please call me back when she got in the next day.

Called back 3/10 around 2pm and asked for a manager, as I did not want to let this go on too long. Was given the extension for Jim Stanco, VP of Sales, got his voicemail, left a message similar the previous one.

No calls returned that day.


Called Christine at 12:30. Her hours are 12-8pm. Someone named Ed answered her line and said she was away from her desk. I explained the situation to him. He asked me if I had called customer service and I told him that I did and they told me to call Christine. He seemed very sheepish and said he would give her the message. I told him to tell her that I expected a call from her today.

As of 1:30pm, I had not yet received a call. I called customer service and explained the situation to them again. I was told that I could return the mattress, but it would cost me $199, unless I could find a cheaper way to do so. I balked, as I was not told this when I made the purchase, and decided to wait for Christine to return my call. Nothing. At 2:00 I called customer service and asked to be connected to the extension for Jim Stanco. I left another message with my information and told him that I wanted a call back and that I wished to resolve this situation before the end of the day.

3:00 I called Christine on her direct line, got her voicemail and left another message asking her to call me today.

3:45 Have gotten the sinking feeling like no one is going to return my phone calls. Checked the Better Business Bureau and saw that Dormia has an unsatisfactory record due to unanswered complaints. Called Jim Stanco again, got his voicemail (surprise surprise) and left yet another message asking him to call me, told him that I feel like he and Christine are avoiding me and of my discovery about their unsatisfactory record with the BBB. Asked if he would please return my phone call, and that I wanted to return the boxes without a fee and that I wanted it resolved as soon as possible.

5:20 Called Christine again, direct to voicemail. Her phone is not even ringing anymore. Left her another message and asked her to please call me, that I had called Jim Stanco also a number of times to no avail and that I felt like they were avoiding me. Called Jim Stanco, got voicemail. Left him a similar message.

5:45pm Decided to take matters in to my own hands and called the CEO, Michael Zippelli at 877-707-7533 x710. I got his voicemail and left the following message:

"Hi Mr Zippelli, my name is % and I recently purchased a mattress set through Dormia. I received the mattress set yesterday and am completely unsatisfied with what was sent to me. I called back to try to get the items returned and have received zero response from both the sales lady Christine % or the manager Jim Stanco. I have left numerous messages yesterday and today and heard nothing. I want the mattress set to be picked up by Dormia and a full refund for the items. I was told by a customer service rep that I would have to pay a $199 shipping cost which was never disclosed to me at sale time. I feel that Dormia should pick up the pieces at no cost to me. I know you are the CEO of the company, but I have to say that to me the quality of the mattress was terrible. The support foam is very soft and provides no support. The memory foam as of today is barely two inches, and the Deluxe 10" model I ordered is 8 inches in width. I do not want the mattress and because I have gotten no response from Christine and Jim, I am giving you a call to see if you can help me with this matter. My phone number is %.

I will be around tomorrow after 11 am if you could either call me or have someone else call me to take care of this situation. As a customer in good faith, I feel like I deserve a response and some action. Thank you."


No response as of 2:15pm from anyone at Dormia.

2:20 called Kimberly Washington at 877-707-7533 ext. 720. She is Head of Customer Service and left her a message explaining my situation and the fact that no one at Dormia has returned any of my phone calls and would she please call me today because I would like to get this situation taken care of.

2:25 called Michael Zippelli again. Left message that I had not heard back from him and was hoping to hear from someone at Dormia today so we can resolve this situation.

3:20pm Called Jim Stanco again and left message explaining that no one from Dormia is returning my phone calls, that I am getting upset about this situation, that I am documenting all my calls to Dormia and their lack of response and that I am going to get in touch with the Better Business Bureau if I did not hear back soon. I told him that I am going away next week and want to get this situation resolved before then.

3:35pm On a hunch that my phone number was being blocked by Christine, I decided to block caller-id before calling her once again. Lo and behold she answered. She said she never got any of my phone calls, and that she always returns her calls. I told her I called a bunch of times and she said she never got them. I told her that was interesting considering I called her direct line and got her voicemail each time. I told her of my dissatisfaction with the mattress and she asked me if I had called customer service. I told her they told me to call her. She was surprised. I told her about my wanting to return the mattress and she told me it would cost me $199. I told her I should not have to pay for something that was not correct to begin with and that even if it was the correct mattress, I should not have to pay to return such a poor quality product. I also told her that she never told me of the policy. She began to argue with me and told me I should have asked. She said, Should I have told you that the mattress was yellow? Not one word of concern for my dissatisfaction with the sale. She told me that she would connect me with customer service because they were the only ones who could handle returns, and I had no choice but to let her. After being on hold for 10 minutes, she came back on the line and told me that it might be another 20 minutes. I told her that I was used to it by now and told her again that I had called her numerous times on her direct line. She said she did not know why she never got the messages. Up until now, I have never had to wait even this long to reach customer service. At 4:10 I spoke to Nicole in customer service who told me that Christine told her that I was informed of the $199 return policy which was a blatant lie. At this point I felt like there was no way out of this mess unless I parted with the money, so I went along with it. Nicole said she would send out a form and that I had 14 days from her sending to arrange pick up, either with them or with my own hired company. I asked for an extension considering my trip next week and she said no. I told her again that the mattress was wrong and that even if it was correct, the quality was terrible. She said there was nothing she could do. At a loss, I just said to send the form.

At this point I just want a refund of the cost of my bed and the $199 in shipping to be waived. Still no return phone call from Michael Zippelli, CEO, Jim Stanco, VP of Sales, or Kimberly Washington, Head of Customer Service. Very very poor customer service. They don't care if people are unhappy with their products, nor do they try to resolve situations and it is quite clear they do not return phone calls from unhappy customers. Do not buy from Dormia! Save yourself lots of time and money and sanity!

I went online and found numerous complaints from people about the shoddy products and poor to nonexistent customer service from this company and am very much not surprised.

As of 7pm, 3/13/08, I have still not had any of my phone calls returned from the CEO, VP of Sales, or the Head of Customer Service. Way to go, Dormia.

Company: Dormia Mattress
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Jessup
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A company that does not stand by its products

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