Took $99 for membership and sent me to their listed doctors for prescription

Health & Medicine

They ripped me off $99 for membership and made me go to their listed doctors for higher prices. The doctor office do not even know who Drugstores-Online.com is. And when I got the prescription they trying to charge me more than three time the price I would have to pay at. So really I could have gone to my own doctor and take my prescription to for friction of their prices.

What is the point of their membership?

When I request my membership $99 back. They refuse.

mobile, Alabama

Company: Drugstores-Online.com
Country: USA
State: California
City: Imperial Beach
Address: PO. Box333
Phone: 8009587003
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Scam and fraud!

Drugstores - onliine.com
Drugstores-onliine.com major ripoff dishonest fradulent billings can't contact

No prescription needed
MCITY MEDIA Scam prescription drug website

Drugstores-online, South Bay Drugs
Ripoff, they took my money and ran!

Said I alter the date on my prescription. Called my Doctor, Investigator, other pharmacies, and other doctors ripoff

Bruce A Berman
ALMOST got me ripoff

Dr. James R. Campbell, D.O
Rip-off forced to buy prescription at doctors favorite pharamacy instead of my own Canceled presciption when I refused

CVS Caremark
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