Sneaky thieves... I've been robbed for $140.00... Beware!

Health & Medicine

I was doing some research and logged on to the frontier pharmacy website. Next thing I knew I was added to their membership list and being charged monthly $20.95. I would NEVER have agreed to these charges... If I had been asked... I tried to contact ALL the numbers given to me and NO ONE could really do much to help. I hope they are shut down and sued for all the money they're stealing from people. We ALL work hard for our money and no one has the right to steal from us. I hesitate to research anything else on line...

Company: Frontierpharmacy
Country: USA
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FRONTIER Pharmacy AND 866-2215391
SCAM—Charging Credit Card for a so called Membership Fee of $20.95 every single month, Never heard of these folks? Erie

Frontier Pharmacy - Florida
Nothing but THIEVES! This company is fraudulent and non-responsive - STEALERS of Money Does Not Appea

Frontier Pharmacy
Be Aware of this on-line scam!

Frontier Pharmacy
Ordered meds. And they chrged cc and I rec'd no delivery Ripoff California

Frontier Pharmacy
Charging my credit card, ordered no product, cannot contact! Ripoff internet

Frontier Pharmacy
Charged my account several times without my athorization or even knowing, AKA Frontier Pharmacy, AKA, AKA, AKA A Medication Nightmare

Frontier Pharmacy
Keene Incorporated ripoff Fraudulent charges on credit card

Frontier Pharmacy-RxCostCard
Frontier Pharmacy-RxCostCard recurring unauthorized bi-monthly charges Internet Fraud Internet

Frontier Pharmacy
Ripoff online pharmacy