ValueNet Pharmacy
NetValues Pure Ripoff

Health & Medicine

Ordered from them on about 12/09. They required payment by check which was cashed on 12/14. No product was ever received.

Their website is still active, but I can't find any way to access my account there, or contact them.

They claim to be a middleman, just referring orders to their affiliated pharmacies. I suppose this isolates them from fraud since they can claim the real seller (they don't tell you who that is) is the one committing fraud, not them.

I believe I just learned a $36.49 lesson. I am glad it wasn't for more.

Company: ValueNet Pharmacy
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Monica
Address: 8721 Santa Monica Blvd. #1219
Phone: 3233950296
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ValueNet Pharmacy
ValueNet International ripoff, cashed check never received product and won't answer inq Key Bank, Nationwide

Valuenet - RXservices
Valuenet RXservices I Was ROBBED By Valuenet/RXservices For $36.49 I was scammed Ripoff

ValueNet Rx Service
ValueNet/Rx Service I never received order place 9/30/06, sent 2 e-mails w/no response. Failure to supply 2nd email as said. Never received product. VERY ANGRY! Ripoff

Poses as a pharmacy with terriffic prices, yet when the check clears, you never hear from them again, and you DO NOT receive your meds. No Listing Of Their Home Base Address

Do not order anything from valuenet! California Internet

ValueNet Online Pharmacy
Cashed check and never delivered product. Now they have my bank information Wisconsin

ValueNet International
They took my personal check and cashed it, then did not send my order. Ripoff

ValueNet - RxServices - Rxinfo

Value Net International - E-Value - Rx Services
Failure to deliver product after debiting my bank for the payment

Rxservices ValueNet online pharmacies took my money and obviously I am the latest sucker! Ripoff