Biotab Nutraceuticals
The sellers of Extenze claim to offer a money back guarantee. They offer it but don't honor it

Health & Medicine

Biotab Nutrceuticals sells Extenze with a money back guarantee. The only problem with their guarantee is: They ignore it. They just keep changing the credit cards and sending the questionably worthless product. SCAMMING appears to be their game.

Company: Biotab Nutraceuticals
Country: USA
State: California
City: Monrovia
Address: 401 E. Huntington Drive
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Biotab Nutraceuticals / Extenze
Biotab nutriceuticals inc beware "extenze" rip-off

Biotab Nutraceuticals
Ripped off by Biotab Nutraceuticals No one home?

Scam and rip off!

Extenze - BIOTAB - Nutraceuticals INC
Extenze, biotab unauthorized taking of money from bank account

Biotab nutriceuticals lying charing monrovia california

Extenze, As Biotab Nutriceuticals
Extenze, As Biotab Nutriceuticals They took $50.00 out of my account w/o permission

Biotab Nutriceuticals
Charge my credit card without permission

I been waiting for a refund for Biotab for 2 and 1/2 months

Biotab Nutraceuticals Inc., Alteril
Wrongful Charge To Credit Card and Wrong Product Sent