Pearl Vision
Hassle with refund

Health & Medicine

I returned my contacts on Nov 12. I was told it would take 7 -10 days to process my refund (funny, it only took them 5 minutes to debit my account)

I called back on Nov 20 requesting an update. I was then told it would take 10 - 14 days to process my refund, but it would be processed by the end of the week. End of week, still no refund.

I called again. I was told that Dr so and so hadnt processed it yet, and refunds were only processed on certain days. Maybe they would process the refund on the 24rth, if dr so and so had time, but probably not until the 26th.

Snotty I dont care attitude by any employee who I talked to about this problem.

I am hoping that someone will see this from Pearl Vision, and realize that their refund policies are not quite kosher. No problem taking my money, lots of time to get it back. Still waiting. Will probably file official complaint with FHA.

Company: Pearl Vision
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Canton
Address: Ford Rd
Phone: 7349818111
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