LA Weightloss Company
And another one ripped off

Health & Medicine

Against my better judgement went with this company because of their TV ad's believing they could help me lose weight. I have been successful but am only half way through a sixty week program. What happens now? I have been contacted by someone who proclaims they are a former manager. I have been contacted by corporate who states to call the number posted on the door. What do they think will solve this problem??? I want my money back because they have not fulfilled their part of the contract as well as I have bought product that I have never received. Buyer truly beware.

Henderson, Nevada

Las Vegas, Nevada

Company: LA Weightloss Company
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
  <     >  


La Weightloss
Unauthorized charges

La Weightloss
Good weightloss bad company

LA Weightloss
Taking money and then closing stores!

LA Weightloss
Lots of Money Down the Drain

LA Weight Loss Center
Purchased program to loss weight for $921.98 ON 12/10/07 and doors closed 12/15/07 superviser said refund on it's way 2/08

Dr. Quinn's weightloss
Dr. Quinn's weightloss works! - weightloss

Am Pm Weightloss
Donot buy am pm weightloss pills

555 Diet Challenge
Aka Aka Complete Weightloss Center Unauthorized charge for $29.89 to credit card!

Pure Weightloss
Pure weight loss, just vanished unlike my weight! They took my money, and Now I am at a loss!

LA Weightloss
L A Weightloss Closed the business without contacting me while owing me services and products