Nexgen Labs
The only weight loss was out of my wallet ripoff

Health & Medicine

After receiving the initial 15 day sample supply of Phenterthin, I tried to contact the company through a phone call. The representative was rude and said that if I did not pay for the order they sent they would send me to collections. I tried to navigate their website to no avail. The product that was sent to me was never accepted and was returned to them.

I have tried many times to call and to navigate their website but nothing works. However, I have notified the Michigan Attorney General's office and hope that something can be done. And Nexgen labs has not refunded any part of my money.

Company: Nexgen Labs
Country: USA
Phone: 8666116897
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Nex Gen Labs
Or Phenterthin EXACTLY what the other person wrote regarding NexGen Labs/Phenterthin. I cannot get anyone online, phone or via chat. This company needs to be taken DOWN." City" OKLAHOMA

Nexgen Labs USA - Phenterthin Pills
Nexgen Labs USA Phenterthin Pill Free Trial Rip Off

Phenterthin, Nexgen Labs, Nexgen Labs Free 15-day trial for $4.95 — there is a catch! More product, that I did not order, was sent to me with charges to my credit card for $149.99

Phentrazine 37.5
Unauthorized Charges

Nexgen Labs In Oklahoma City Oklahoma-phenterthin
Nexgen Labs Oklahoma City Oklahoma - phenterthin CHARGES OF $4.95. Like anything else try a sample and if its not what you expect fine. I never ever ordered two bottles for $149.99. No call or email nor did I AUTHORIZE!

Nexgen Labs - Phenterthin
Nexgen Labs LLC Product is unsafe for hypertensive people and those with thyroid conditions -which I have - informed them as such - they sent it any way

Nexgen Labs, Phenterthin HCL
Ripped me off $149.50

Nexgen Labs Usa Pure Energy Products
Ripoff from Pure energy products commonly known as Nexgen Labs Ripoff Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Nexgen Labs
Didn't receive orde

Nexgen Labs
Major scam!