Steel Bridge Medical - Lipoplex

Health & Medicine

Lipoplex ( offers a "free 15-day supply" for the cost of shipping.

READ THE FINE PRINT! It says that you will be "enrolled" in a continual supply program @ $93.95 $6.95 for shipping unless YOU CALL TO CANCEL within 14 days OF THE TIME YOU PLACE YOUR ORDER.

They mean it. You will get your product on the 14th day from the time you ordered — no time to evaluate OR CANCEL.

Then, when you call, you must ask for a cancellation number.

If you block payment, Steel Bridge Medical will turn you over to the credit agencies as a "fraudulent costomer, " which means you have to deal with ALL the credit agencies to have your good name restored.

1. Order
2. Call the next day (and be prepared to be disconnected several times) and cancel your "subscription."
3. BE SURE TO GET YOUR CANCELLATION NUMBER, otherwise, you have no proof you contacted them.
4. Make copies of every call, complaint, order that you make with this company, because otherwise they have you cold.

This is a scamming organization. Beware!

Call or write the Better Business Bureau of Nevada and file a complaint if you are dissatisfied with their deceitful advertising.

READ ALL OF THE FINE PRINT. This company has hired a team of slick attorneys to write their contract. They are counting on your ignorance of the law and your confusion about their contract. BE ALERT when dealing with them.

Company: Steel Bridge Medical - Lipoplex
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 6170 W Lake Mead Blvd #518
Phone: 8005978533
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