The Mega Life And Health Insurance Company
The company does not pay legitamate claims. It engages in post underwriting and scrutinizes claims if they are submitted. Ripoff

Health & Medicine

This company wrote a policy for me evidently without checking any health information. I am healthy and have no preexisting conditions. As long as you have no claims everything is ok and they continue to cash your premium checks. The minute you see any physician for anything and they recieve a claim, they scrutinize it. I have only had 4 office visits to physicians in the last 5 years. When mega life and health recieved a claim, they stated they needed me to send them a list of all physicians complete with contact information for them to proceed processing the claim. I did this. They then denied the claim on the basis that they did not recieve the requested information from the three physicians that I had recently seen. The dermatologist office stated that no request was made. The podiatrist and orthopedist office gave me copies of fax transmittals to mega health and life that was dated several months ago. One of the claims that mega health and life was scrutinizing was a dermatology visit for a condition that was diagnosed as a allergy to detergent.By definition, this can't be a preexisting conditon. I then took off work to get copies of all medical records myself and I sent it to them two weeks ago. They stated in their denial when medical records become available, they would reopen the claim. They have so far done nothing. This company is an absoulte disgrace and should be put out of business. I am a licensed physician in 21 states and find it appalling that this company can operate this way, and government agencies look the other way.

I called the florida insurance commission, and they acted as if they didn't care. Evidently my premium payments were charitable contributions to this joke of a company. I quickly cancelled my policy after they stated that they recieved a claim for $10.00 from one physician office and were requesting medical records for this $10 claim.

Company: The Mega Life And Health Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: North Richmond Hills
Address: 9151 Boulevard 26
Phone: 8005272845
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