Narconon Stone Hawk
Fiance' currently there and being mentally abused. They advertise individual counseling but that is a lie! He's depressed and wants out! Ripoff

Health & Medicine

My fiance', after battling his addiction to heroin for 10 years off & on finally decided he couldn't live with this curse any longer and desperately was pleading for help. His parents and I researched online and I found a hotline for help number (didn't know it was a Narconon number originally) and they said that we were lucky because there was the number 1 ranked rehab facility very close to us and gave me the number.

His mother also found a lot of online information concerning the Stone Hawk facility so we thought our prayers had been answered. His parents took a loan plus some of their retirement to enroll him into a 4-6 month program for 27.5K and within 2 days we were driving him up there very late at night to get him admitted. We were told by the counselor that he would recieve valuable one on one counseling plus a great detox program that rids the body of stored drugs.

Again we thought our prayers had been answered. He has been there 5 weeks now and has battled emotional and even physical torment. He has been complaining of his kidneys hurting, severe headaches and asked for a doctor's appointment continually for a week before they finally took him to see "their doctor" who took blood. His protein levels are very high and his blood sugars have also increased to over 110 (alot higher than when they originally tested him) and yet they continue to give him 2500mg of niacin, which can cause liver and optical damage, and yet he must continue or he won't be able to graduate to the next phase of the program.

He feels stuck! He doesn't want to let his parents down because they gave up retiring for him and yet he feels so depressed and sick that he tells me daily that he doesn't know if he can take another day and has suicidal thoughts.

Does anyone working there care? NO! Because they are all recently graduated students of the program and have no education in that field, just cheap labor. They have had drugs smuggled into the facility with the help of the guards (also recently completed the program) and the guards have sex with the females there to get them drugs.

The place is disgusting and run down (nothing like the pictures they advertise he said), the phones are broke, and his room is so cold that this morning the water inside the toilet was frozen! If he complains or says anything negative they make him stay in his course longer and are mean/rude to him. We haven't been able to visit him (we didn't know that until we dropped him off of course) and we didn't find out about their no-refund policy until we were filling out the paperwork while they were getting him signed in; at that point we felt it was too late and in God's hands.

I would love a class action suit so that he can afford to leave there and get REAL counseling help. I can't believe they are allowed to run a business like this. There are sites I have visited that tell of more horrible things.

This needs to be stopped! Isn't there anybody out there to help us?

Company: Narconon Stone Hawk
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Battle Creek
Address: 216 St. Mary S Lake Rd
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