LEANRX - DreamSmile
Ripoff Charged for products not ordered never heard of them Las Vegas Nevada

Health & Medicine

We have never heard of these companies and they ripped us off! We had to cancel our credit card. What a sad world it is for creeps to do these things. No wonder the whole world is crazy. What are we teaching our children?

Company: LEANRX - DreamSmile
Country: USA
Site: leanrx.net
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Dreamsmile - Leanrx.net - Extremeburn
Ripoff Dreamsmile Charge $14.95 Leanrx.net $74.95 Extremeburn Three fraudulent charges in a row Happened to my Capital One TJX card

Dreamsmile - Leanrx.net - Extremeburn
Ripoff dreamsmile charge $14.95 Leanrx.net charge $74.95 Extremeburn charge $69.95

LeanRX, Xtremeburn, Dreamsmile
Fraudulent charges to debit card Ripoff

Leanrx - dreamsmile
Never heard of companies, charged my credit card for purchases i did not make ripoff

Dreamsmile, Leanrx.net, Extreme Burn
Credit card fraud three differents months

Leanrx.net, Dreamsmile
Made several unauthorized charges to my credit card without my knowledge California and Nevada

Dreamsmile - leanrx - hoodia
Stole credit card number and made fraudulent charges on it

Dreamsmile And Leanrx.net
Illegal credit card charges

Fraudulent Charges Ripoff

Leanrx - Dream Smile
Leanrx and Dreamsmile have messed with the wrong person! Ripoff