Liberty Mutual

Health & Medicine

Started to deal with Liberty Mutual, after wrogfull termination from U.S. Xpress back on january 31. During the month of Febuary, after termination, to which U.S. Xpress said i voluntarily Quite my job, after being injured on the job and could barly get around the house I was going to quite the only income I know I would be having come in, till who knows when.

Liberty Mutual was the said Workmens Comp Insurance of U.S. Xpress. At 1st i thought I would be dealing with some people that wanted to work with me. Needless to say, was I ever so wrong. I choose a Doctor withing there network. Dr patrick Barret in Jackson, MS, but I will report him on another post, but he catered to the money, i.E. Liberty Mutual, more then he does to his Patients. I eventaully got out from under his care. Yes i had to be a littel a—hole in doing this, but he wasn't playing the ethical roles as weel as Liberty Mutual either, but me I didn't do anything legal or unethical in getting out from under his care, for the record

Liberty Mutaul, will fight a person for treatment in my case with workmen's comp, even after a court has approved for lifetime medical on the injury, which may lead to more perminat damage of the injury, to which they will fight you over, because any other injury contrary to the initial injury, is not there repsonsiblilty, including the degradation of injury due to the time they take to apporve you for anything. They know the law is on there side, even to say, they could ethically do the right thing and still be withing the guidelines of the law. They choose not to

Case in Point. I was giving a prescription for a back Brace, the cost 140 dolors. It was 9 months of calling and faxing in same documentation over and over by me, my doctor I was dealing with, and the place here in Mississippi that had this paticular back brace. Makes me mad when i see there new commercial advertising about responsibilty.

Another time, with this same injury, took me almost 10 months from another initial visit on same injury, to the time of two weeks worth of therapy to get released to go back to work. 2weeks of therpay almost ten months. Most of the time was fighting with Liberty Mutual.

I am 42 and it is getting harder and harder for me to get a good paying job, due to work history now, and liberty mutual taking there time and fighting every step of the way on my full recovery. Been dealing with Liberty Mutaul with this for over three years now, and I have had 5 therpay type situations. Seems they would have gotten it right by now and had me fixed up, so I can move on in life, but I am on round number six, wonder how long will it take now, and if I can get a job with and unstable work history going from job to job in the past 3.5 years due to injury and the time it took me fighting with libery mutual to get relased to go back to work in the process

Company: Liberty Mutual
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
Address: P.O. Box 7170
Phone: 8007525832
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