Java Trim Life

Health & Medicine

"Did you read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS?" This is the question you'll be asked numerous times when call to ask about an $85.90 charge that shows up on your credit card four days after you thought you'd payed $4.87. For a trail package of diet coffee.

That the people at Java Trim Life are less than pleased to help you is an immediate given. When you tell them that you did not agree to pay $85.90 and would like to immediately cancel, you get a series of challenges regarding whether or not you read the Term and Conditions. When I insisted I want to immediately cancel, I was told that they could cancel but I would have to agree to the cancellation terms right now (more than $50). I said I wasn't agreeing to anything and would get back to them.

What becomes apparent is that the whole business is not about selling a product that they believe in; it's about deception and fraud. The terms and conditions say it all. Having read them now (who reads mice type when your just buying a trail portion of coffee), it's obvious the outfit is NOT trustworthy.

Run, don't walk, from anything having to do with Java Trim Life.

I have yet to receive my coffee, if and when I do, I will return it via UPS and gladly pay the shipping.

Company: Java Trim Life
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 6440 Sky Pointe Dr #140
Phone: 9099303060
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