Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures
Ripoff, misleading, manipulating good faith

Health & Medicine

It seems i was one of the suckers. I bought the book "what they dont want you to know about" "natural cures".

This book would through a A type personality into a panic attack. Im not sure this book is good for anyones health.

Most of the facts that are correct is common knowledge ones i have known for over a decade now. But even if these facts where all correct. One could not live to the degree that he preaches on. A person would have to live on a completely different planet. This is so far from being able to do realistically in todays world.

Then he tells you... And to stop smokeing. It only took him 3 days. To find out more go to this website. Which is his website that sells his books... What a sham.
He keeps stateing that he is not telling all this for his profit or to sell anything... Well i find this to be untrue since if you want any new info you would have to become a member of his website. And buy another one of his books that supposidly gives up the information... How convenent..

I was totally dubt into thinking there was actually someone that wasnt in it for a buck... Well like he keeps saying repeadily. All are out for money.

He doesnt tell us of anything new and enlightening, he is just repeating things that have been said for a long time now... And he also keeps repeating things in the book the same ole info that we read in the last chapter, i think he just rearanged to words and put different chapters to make enough pages to create a book to sell for His profit.

Is this guy a scientoligist? At any rate he states himself he doesnt live like this... Only a fanatic could... And with that you would be a total wreck from being stressed by the smallest thing but im sure he is enjoying his finacial gain he has aquired by dupting the public into thinking he has something new to say...

Truely all business is out to make the buck... To bad we cant look out for our nabor instead of being self centerd and greedy... Something this man chastises others for but does without remorse himself... Karma is a potent thing when it catches up...

davenport, Iowa

Company: Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Kevin Trueeau's Book Natural Cures
They Dont Want You To Know About. States that he gives info on more than 50 natural cures for specific diseases and then sends you to a websitewhere you have to pay to get info

Kevin Trudeau Natural Cures Revealed
This book was a total rip off all it did was send you to websites for answers and questions this book is no good dont buy Seen On TV

Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures Book
Ripoff, scam artist, infomercial king and multilevel junkie

Natural Cures
They Don't Want You To Know About ripoff

Kevin Trudeau
Ripoff, CA

Kevin Trudeau
's BS Book lied about what was in his book Internet

Kevin Trudeau
Kevin Trudeau (natural cruel) Website And TV Washington

Kevin Trudeau
Natural Cures Book ripoff, total scam made you think your getting a book of natural cures Rip-off

Kevin trudeau rvealed cures
Ead all

Kevin Trudeau
Natural Cures infomercial ripoff