NJP Products
The real hype behind NJP Products noni-juice-plus.com

Health & Medicine

As all imitators do, NJP Products can only resort to criticizing the original developers of Real Tahitian Noni Juice in their efforts to make themselves look better. Of course, that is not surprising because all second-rate companies utilize this scheme.in addition, it's ironic to note that NJP Products uses the same documentation on their website that's plagiarized directly from Tahitian Noni International.

The most prevalent, absolute lie that NJP Products states on their website is this: "There are multitudes of companies jumping on the "band wagon" trying to get a piece of the very large Noni juice market." As I stated previously, this is the way second-rate companies like NJP Products twist the real truth. Apparently, the folks at NJP Products believe that consumers are gullible enough to believe their dishonest statements without checking the validity of their claims! Brother, talk about "jumping on the band wagon!" Tahitian Noni Internationl scientists are the ones that discovered and developed Real Tahitian Noni Juice, and brought it to the market!

Next, NJP Products lies about this statement:
"You can find less expensive imitators selling "juice blends" or noni juice that has been doctored with additives, preservatives, fruit juices, and even water!" Besides being a redundant statement, NJP Products has no clue what they are talking about! If NJP Products had the funds to actually do any researching, they would know that certain blended fruit juices were proven to actually enhance the effectiveness of Noni Juice by scientists! The problem with NJP Products is this: They can't afford to spend the millions that Tahitian Noni International can to actually prove their claims, so they just do their best to make-up dribblings that only sound professional!

Finally, NJP Products babbles about how some local television station in California chose them over everyone else because they were, "vastly superior to all the competition." NJP Products states in part: "They could have chosen to do a story about Hawaiian Noni, or Noni from New Zealand, or even the big MLM "juice blend" company." Once again, NJP Products is only trying to make themselves look as successful as Tahitian Noni International by criticizing when in fact, they are a no-account, imitation copycat, of Real Tahitian Noni Juice blended with natural fruit juices that produce a superior product. Furthermore, it was Tahitian Noni International that had the popular interview, and documentary, that was produced by the worldwide company known as the "Discovery Channel."

Company: NJP Products
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mission Viejo
Address: 23352 Madero Rd
Phone: 8006577763
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