Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Greenville, SC
Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Greenville, South Carolina Pat Fowler Management condones and participates in bullying of employees and students assigned to their facility

Health & Medicine

As an outsider, I have witnessed the bullying and abuse of employees and students by other employees and management in the hospital. Employees/students have reported it to no avail; the bullying continues and employees/students have become fearful of losing their jobs or being kicked out of school if they pursue their complaints. When the acts were reported, upper management tossed the complaints aside saying they were untrue and unfounded. I myself have been a victim of bullying in my job for several years... To the point it was affecting my health and I just left. I feel this hospital system is just as guilty as the bullies they harbor because they allow it to continue. No one should have to go to work every day and put up with that kind of abuse. Many don't have the means to leave work and go without a job. I am lucky enough that I had good support at home which allowed me to leave my constant torture. Being a 3rd party, this does not affect me personally, but for the employees of this facility and the present and future students who are assigned there, I feel very strongly about this subject and the lack of concern this company has for it's own employees.

Company: Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital, Greenville, SC
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Address: 1 St. Francis Drive, Greenville, SC 29601
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