Diet ZX
Another Rip-off

Health & Medicine

Thanks to one of the persons to ripped off, I too have contacted the Federal Trade Commision today to file a complaint with them and am trying to get through to the Better Business Bureau. We'll see if I get satisfaction like he did. Lois
Citrus Heights California

Company: Diet ZX
Country: USA
State: California
City: Bell
Address: 5315 Lindbergh Lane
Phone: 8004570825
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My Diet Patches
My Diet Patches Ripped me off for 169.00 G#$ D#$% B
Deceptive practices, FRAUD! Ripoff

Asset Acceptance
Asset Acceptance Will Be Shut Down

Vita Free Diet ZX
No Show on the Diet Pills! Bought and not delivered! Could not be contacted by BBB! Internet
Ripoff! Shut them down!

World Voice Link

AMERIPOS - Radiant Telecom ripoff

Nationwide C.s
They ripped me off and I can tell you how to file a complaint with the nevada better business bureau

Diet Zx
Ripoff DIET ZX took my money and no product Internet

TCA Fulfillment Services