After the Sale

Furniture & Equipment

Excellent demonstration and purchase with guarantees 3 individual occasions "that you don't need to fear - we've a Low Cost Promise". Purchased a $5,000 established in a fantastic discount, but oneday before a vacation week. I've existed retail about the producer and store aspect and so I understand to request "imagine if you operate a purchase tomorrow?" "No problem"- the keen sales man responded "You've thirty days for that Low Cost Promise".

Obviously the brand new purchase costs a few hundred dollars reduce 24 hours later, nothing earth-shattering, but I'd my material sent times later IN THIS SALE OCCASION, and requested the shop when they might simply credit me $ or item. "Positive!" they said, however, you need to contact corporate in Hicksville, NYC for almost any cost changes.

Sleepy's DOESN'T ASSURE pricing AGAINST THEIR PARTICULAR REVENUE - Simply everyoneis. The boss essentially stated "you ought to have purchased throughout the marketing" that was 12 hours later. This can be a no-brainer, simply do the best thing. Evidently they don't worry about repeat business. I'll discover every site that does evaluations and post this.

TIREDis doesn't worry about you after they have rung the purchase up.

Company: Sleepy's
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Richmond
  <     >  


Sleepy's Scam

Keranique Hair Therapy
Dissapointed on products

Champion Windows
Fraud & scam
Bad service
Bait and switch
Review of "", bait-and-switch

Failed to Delive

Best Buy
Restocking Fee

Oh my god, never easy
